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Oh yeah, we moved! Like two years ago.

Hi Imaginary Family Readers! We bought a house like two and a half years ago now, but every once in a while we still hear that people sent us mail at the old apartment. Oops. Maybe we should’ve told you we moved!

I don’t really wanna list our address all bold and public here, but […]

Aaand more video

Garrett of Aderyn Productions just uploaded our little highlights video — so very cool. The “big” video is being edited as a generous gift from a very generous and very busy friend, so we won’t see that one for quite some time. But we’ll post the rest of the pics once we get them. For […]

Summary post from BreeAnn

Well, BreeAnn of Pink Blossom said it better than we could in her blog post. Thanks to all our awesome vendors for the amazing day!

Sneak peek at wedding photos!

We finally got a link to just a few of our lovely wedding images — SO CUTE! More are to come soon, but for now, enjoy:

Red Fish Blue Fish Sneak Peek

Also, friend Sorin Gabu shot an informal iPhone video but turned it into a really nice little YouTube:

Brief video of Virginia and […]

Discounts near the Pan Pacific!

Yesterday marked the arrival of our first wave of family and friends visiting for our wedding — yay! We also just received some cool news from local vendors that we’ like to pass along to our wedding guests.

—Clover House, located in the courtyard across from the Pan Pacific Hotel, will give a 10% discount […]

Respondez S’il Vous Plaît

We got our invitations out, but there were the expected number of foibles. Yikes! Sorry for a couple of them getting out later than intended.

If any of you would like to just call or email us your RSVP info, we would be more than happy to take it! You can also just touch base […]


As we draw nearer to Valentine’s Day, red hearts get a bit old. Not this one, though: Grant snuck this image on to my laptop after I went to bed, so when I inevitably woke up before him and opened up my computer, this is all I saw:

Nice to be reminded […]

Oh God, the dreams.

I just dreamt that our wedding crept up on us so suddenly that we still hadn’t finalized the flowers yet. So there were just no flowers. (Even though this time, we actually HAVE booked a florist!) For some reason we also seemed to be missing chairs and tables. My hair wasn’t done and… yeah, you […]

The crazy dreams have started.

The past two nights in a row, I started to have weird zonky wedding dreams, including a completely recast set of parents and in-laws (whom I don’t recognize), and a venue I’ve never laid eyes on in real life that looked like it was straight out of some fictional Hamptons party from Gossip Girl. With […]

I just can’t hide it…

Ever since reading it in some dumb magazine-suggested wedding playlist, I have had Ce Ce Peniston’s “Finally” stuck in my head. The next man I meet with brown cocoa skin and curly black hair may end up tragically dead.
